Every year, for the MULTITUDES — CHRISTMAS is BIG and the Birth of Christ is small! NO SURPRISE, FOR— “NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS!”
Every year a number of folk are heard saying, "You know, I love Christmas... but I sure will be glad when it's over!” OR: “Christmas has not even arrived and I am already flat out exhausted!"
WAKE UP! CHRISTIANS ARE FACING MAJOR ATTACKS DESIGNED TO DENY THE REALITY OF SIN! Here are DEADLY reasons why Multitudes, (Even in the churches!) No Longer Believe They Have a SIN problem!
PART ONE: A Brief Outline of a 4000 Year Old Holiday, which the whole world now calls, CHRISTMAS!
PART THREE: Biblical Revelation of the Birth of Christ and the New Testament era Responses to His Birth.
Depression, drug addiction, suicides, murders, theft, divorce, and/or simply on going conflict and unhappiness are on the RAMPAGE— even among church folk, in both pulpits and pews!
We need to carefully receive SOUND DOCTRINE and apply it afresh and anew in daily living!
This list of ESSENTIAL TRUTH is not exhaustive; BUT it is surely FOUNDATIONAL!
Reformation Day is celebrated on October 31, the day on which Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg church door in 1517.
Anabaptists were seen as dangerous by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant magisterial reformers because of their rejection of infant baptism and their support of the separation of church and state-- many of them were martyred.
For THE GREAT, godly ACCOMPLISHMENTS of the Reformers, including John Calvin, we rejoice! To God be the glory! HOWEVER, their failures must be clearly noted, not excused, and most certainly not copied!
IN PART 2, (in their own words), Roman Catholicism is Clearly Revealed to Still be APOSTATE!
IT IS VITAL for Christians to know about and to care about what is called the “PROTESTANT REFORMATION!” We intend to set forth a FOUR week study on this vital subject! Today, is part 1
IN CHRIST, we are No longer a debtor, or an "addict," no longer spiritually bankrupt, no longer someone who is perpetually walking in bondage; no longer someone suffering from any number of man-prescribed "mental illnesses;" and no longer an object of God’s wrath, but now an adopted child of God, an HEIR.
The great tool of satan and satanic forces is DECEPTION! GOD’S SOLUTION IS TRUTH!
What is the Armor of God? It is the very life of Jesus Christ Himself.
When we ask God for strength to endure suffering, He may use our saddest moments to fill us with a joy that can only come from Him!
THE BRIDE OF CHRIST in Sumner County is a small minority!
“It is in the Cross of Christ that we find the only means whereby a sinner is acquitted before Holy God"
True or False?
-- and --
What could be more important in the Christian’s life than to rightly understand, to be rightly related to, and to heed the Holy Spirit?
DOES the New Testament reveal what we can expect life to be like on planet earth until Jesus comes back?
THE BIG PICTURE: ELDERS and DEACONS are set before our congregation AS EXAMPLES of saints in Christ who are ALL on a LIFETIME JOURNEY of becoming more and more CHRISTLIKE!
AS WAS ANNOUNCED on Sunday, July 16, the Southside Elders, (Cloyd Young, Dicky Richard, Jaden Allen, and James Bell), have all come to BELIEVE that James (Jim) Barnhouse should be asked and has been asked to serve as an Elder at Southside.
THE CALL OF GOD to salvation and the divine way of daily Christian living is a call to come and die;
GOD has a consistent history of ‘getting the attention’ of the ‘heathen’ or His people; OR the Kings of the earth.
Regardless of all the deepening troubles and tragedies and regardless of the country in which one lives; and regardless of how it all plays out on the personal and individual level— there is wonderful peace, wisdom, and hope that comes from knowing and trusting the true and living God for our future. Let us embrace this sure foundation.
When the GOSPEL is proclaimed the humanly impossible is commanded!
Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, James Robison, Beth Moore, Rick Warren, (and when they were alive... Chuck Colson and Billy Graham), as well as many others— have been and are on a serious quest help unite all Christendom with Roman Catholicism.
What is the truth about the nature of alcohol and what does the Bible actually teach about alcohol and/or about drunkenness?
Biblical counseling is based on the conviction that the Bible is sufficient for the counseling task and superior to anything the world has to offer.
There are many who act as if — "LOVE" — is God’s only quality or attribute. HOWEVER ...
Embracing the SABBATH PRINCIPLE is vital because cultivating our relationship with God and His purposes for us— REQUIRES TIME!
In genuine Christianity there is the reality of FOUR-FOLD CRUCIFIXION
This specific TWO-PART Newsletter is VITAL... Both articles need to be read together.
In these days of deepening darkness and growing FEARS, there could be NO MORE IMPORTANT FOCUS in our study than that of the names and attributes of the True and Living God!
JESUS specifically calls us to remember Him and His sacrifice at the LORD'S TABLE!
Christendom is once again in high gear with something called Easter.
the religious observance of Easter was not observed by the New Testament Church
WORLD-WIDE, the number of people claiming to belong to some type of ‘Christianity’... is approximately as follows ...
By Oswald J. Smith, 11/8/1889 - 1/25/1986; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Served as a Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary Statesman)
THE WORDS OF JESUS STILL STAND: “... I will build MY church; and the gates of hell [Hades: the powers of death] shall not prevail against it...."
(Matthew 16:17-18)
Adam and Eve faced a dilemma.
When it comes to the HOLY SPIRIT— multitudes glory in SUBJECTIVE experiences, which they insist are from the Holy Spirit.
YES, THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST is called to be a congregation of worshippers! GOD IS THE FOCUS — not man.
It is important to understand that music in our worship is for two specific purposes: to honor
God and to edify our fellow believers...” [NOT to entertain carnal likes and dislikes of music styles!]
GOD HIMSELF is our MODEL for gracious giving
Jesus reminds us: “... I will build MY church"
William Borden of Yale.
The Holy Scriptures are given to us not for intellectual gratification or carnal speculation, but to equip us unto "all good works," by means of teaching, reproving, correcting us.
As we enter 2023— many are falling away into loving this present world and into deepening addictions to gross and enslaving sins. MOREOVER, MANY ARE LIVING (Existing!) in utter FEAR of REALLY bad things which may be coming on earth!