All of us have disappointments - broken dreams - disillusionment's - crisis - anxiety - turmoil - defeat. It’s easy for negativism and cynicism to creep into our lives. As someone has said, “The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of an oncoming train!”
In reality, Matthew 1 & 2 and Luke 1 & 2 are exclusive portions of Holy Spirit revelation about THE BIRTH OF CHRIST— totally void of the traditions of men!
BUT ...
The miracle of Bethlehem and Calvary
“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins!” (Matthew 1:20-21, NKJV)
[1 Thessalonians 5:18, amp: In every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus!] NOT ‘FOR’ EVERY SITUATION; BUT ‘IN’ EVERY SITUATION— GIVE THANKS!
As others have said, history is ‘His-Story!’
THANKSGIVING Day this year: Thursday, the 25th… Thus, November 25-28 is THANKSGIVING WEEKEND. HERE ARE SOME Helps in Being Ready!
As influential and significant as Luther, Zwingli and Calvin were, other voices called for reformation in this era. Seen as dangerous by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant magisterial reformers because of their rejection of infant baptism and their support of the separation of church and state, many of them were martyred.
Numerous pre-Reformation groups (such as the Waldensians and the Lollards) that protested the doctrine and actions of the Catholic Church... and individuals such as John Wycliffe and Jan Huss; and the Anabaptists advocated a return to New Testament Christianity in ways that the Reformers never did.
Some Evangelical leaders believe that the Protestant Reformation was a mistake; and that in order to bring about the unity Jesus prayed for in John 17— Protestants need to re-unite with Rome.
WAS THE REFORMATION a mistake? Are the theological, Biblical positions of the Reformation no longer IMPORTANT? For after all, isn’t the Roman Catholic Church now basically evangelical?
JESUS WARNS of those who, (when tribulation or persecution comes) - GET OFFENDED, REPELLED, THEY GIVE UP, THEY RECANT THE FAITH!
Therefore, for many there is a crisis of faith ...
Years ago, Missionary John G. Paton, WAS WARNED not to take the gospel among the 'head-hunters' in the New Hebrides— they killed with poisoned arrows and had a reputation of NEVER MISSING their targets!
SHOCKING NEWS: We can positively or negatively influence other people; but we cannot change them!
With the glass full of sweet water, it matters not how hard the glass is jolted, what’s going to come out?
Using Biblical designations, how many different churches are there?
When SELF is central, only the works of the flesh will follow: Gal. 5:19-21; but when God is CENTRAL and PRAISE to God is the non-negotiable— the fruit of the Holy Spirit flows (Galatians 5:22-23)
A great need for every Christian is to RENOUNCE the confessions of who we were BEFORE KNOWING JESUS CHRIST; and NOW confess the TRUTH about who we are in Christ!
There are multitudes of families with children and youth; plus young couples, and young single adults who sincerely LOOK FOR and who continue to embrace ‘THE BIG-TENT’ entertainment/discipleship model of church.
THERE IS UNSPEAKABLE PAIN, SUFFERING, and EVIL in our world! Thus, there is often a huge crisis of faith for many people...
THE CALL OF GOD to salvation and the divine way of daily Christian living is a call to come and die...
Forgiveness is a core essential Christian virtue
Christian: As we are going, we are to give ourselves to making, marking, and maturing disciples!
SEVERAL YEARS BACK, A WELL RESPECTED CHRISTIAN LEADER was arrested and charged with four DUI accounts...
WHEN the Gospel is lived and preached in power, the status quo is likely to get upset— especially the religious status quo!
Does the New Testament reveal what we can expect life to be like on planet earth until Jesus comes back?
Are we concerned for the lost masses of people all around us?
Unity of the Holy Spirit is SUCH A GREAT WITNESS FOR THE GOSPEL!!
MOST HURTING, BROKEN MARRIAGES WHICH ARE SAVED from destruction are saved by JUST ONE SPOUSE YIELDING TO CHRIST in total commitment to please and manifest Jesus in the marriage!
How to have harmony and love in Christian homes and local church fellowships!
The Bible tells us that Christ is the HEAD of his body, the church, and born again believers are its members. But reading something in the Bible does not mean "having" it.
Jesus reminds us: “... I will build MY church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it...." (Matthew 16:17-18)
The modern cross is popular among believers and non-believers as an ornament ...
The LORD’S SUPPER guides the Christ-focused Christian through ‘FULL SALVATION’ every time we observe it.
"The resurrection of Christ is the MOST IMPORTANT article of our faith, and without it the hope of eternal life is extinguished!" Is this true?
Philippians 1:29 reveals a SPECIAL GIFT FOR ALL CHRISTIANS
Continuing last week's Newsletter
THE REALITY is that in this ‘fallen’ world— ‘storms’ have been here since the historical moment of Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve sinned
The Church at Corinth was a troubled church with troubled families!
A Biblically based worship service is not designed to attract crowds by means of appealing to their carnal desires and tastes— rather, is an opportunity for saints to worship God in spirit and in truth.
Ash Wednesday is 2/17/21; and it marks the start of the season of Lent, which begins 40 days prior to Easter.
This article sets forth Biblical concepts which are important to a Biblical vision of a New Testament Church! (part 2 of 2)
This article sets forth Biblical concepts which are important to a Biblical vision of a New Testament Church! (part 1 of 2)
Genuine Christianity is all about RELATIONSHIPS! The primary relationship is, of course, a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The next vital relationship is that of fellowship in the body of Christ...